Animal Communication

The relationships in our lives take all form.  Just like I help people with their human relationships, I also can assist with animal relationships. 
Sometimes people talk to their animals as part of a regular session, and sometimes we just work with animals. 
Just like I help people reading on their kids, comatose relatives, deceased family members, or estranged lovers, I can read on animals.  Sometimes people talk to their animals as part of a regular session, and sometimes we just work with animals. 
In an animal communication session, I tune into your animal's energy.  I speak for your animal, feel what is going on in their body, and read on them like I do a person.  We can also look at the relationship between your animal and the people in their life. 
We can do multiple animals in one session, and if you have a really long list (and you know who you are), it may be best to book an hour session above.